Retouren, garantie en klachten

Is it possible to return a sample/samples?

No, unfortunately returning a sample/samples is not possible.

Can my return shipment be picked up?

No, this is not possible. 

You may return your order or part thereof up to 14 days after the date on which you received it in the following way:

1. Send an email to webshop@eijffinger.com and request a returns number
2. Fill out the returns number you received on this form and on the returns label
3. Fill out your personal details and order number
4. For each product, fill out the product number, the number of items, and the reason for returning it/the returns code
5. Include this form with the items you wish to return
6. Package the items properly and stick the label (on which you have noted the returns number) onto the parcel

Add sufficient postage and send the parcel to the address written on the returns label we provided you with (Eijffinger Webshop; Edelgasstraat 161; 2718 TG Zoetermeer, Nederland) using, for instance, PostNL, GLS or DHL. Be sure to save your postage receipt with the Track & Trace code so that you can track your shipment.

Do I need to return the items in the original packaging?

Yes, this is a returns condition. The return of an item will only be accepted if it is sent to us in its original state and in its original packaging, unless this cannot reasonably be expected.

I want to return my order but I do not have a returns form/label. What should I do?

In case no returns form has been included with your parcel, please contact our customer service by sending an email to webshop@eijffinger.com. You can also contact us by telephone on Monday to Friday from 9.00 – 15.00 by dialling +31 (0)79 344 1220. We are happy to help!

How does the returns process work?

A returns form is included with the parcel you have received from us. This contains the following instructions for returning your order:

Of course we hope that you are satisfied with your order. If your order did not meet your expectations you can return part or all of it. You can do so up to 14 days after the date on which you received it.

1. Send an email to webshop@eijffinger.com and request a returns number
2. Fill out the returns number you received on this form and on the returns label
3. Fill out your personal details and order number
4. For each product, fill out the product number, the number of items, and the reason for returning it/the returns code
5. Include this form with the items you wish to return
6. Package the items properly and stick the label (on which you have noted the returns number) onto the parcel

Add sufficient postage and send the parcel to the address written on the returns label we provided you with (Eijffinger Webshop; Edelgasstraat 161; 2718 TG Zoetermeer, Nederland) using, for instance, PostNL, GLS or DHL. Be sure to save your postage receipt with the Track & Trace code so that you can track your shipment.

Please note the following when returning an item to us:
- The item needs to be returned in its original packaging
- Returns cannot be sent through an Eijffinger distributor, even if you picked up your parcel there (this is not an option in Denmark)
- Once we have received the return we will process it as soon as possible, but in any case within 14 days
- Always make sure that you have notified us of the return (by requesting a returns number) and that you add the form, completely filled out, to the parcel

In case the returns form has not been included with your parcel, please email us at: webshop@eijffinger.com.

What are your conditions for returning a product?

Of course we hope that you are satisfied with your order. If your order did not meet your expectations you can return part or all of it. You can do so up to 14 days after the date on which you received it.

- The item needs to be returned in its original packaging
- Returns cannot be sent through an Eijffinger distributor, even if you picked up your parcel there (this is not an option in Denmark)
- Once we have received the return we will process it as soon as possible, but in any case within 14 days
- Always make sure that you have notified us of the return (by requesting a returns number) and that you add the form, completely filled out, to the parcel

How soon will my money be refunded once I have returned a product/order?

After receiving and checking the returned items, we will refund the amount to the bank account number we have on file within 14 days.

Can I return an order or part thereof with an Eijffinger distributor?

No, this is not possible, even if that is where you picked up your parcel.

To properly return an order or part thereof please follow the instructions, which you will find on the returns form included with your parcel.


If you have a question, please let us know! We try to do our best to have an answer as soon as possible. 

Address headquarters (for business only):
Heliumstraat 100
The Netherlands

Telephone number: 0031-793441200



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